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Hurricane Lisa is a small tropical cyclone. She’s just under 5’1″ with long, blonde hair, green eyes, and a Michael Kors bag. Hurricane force winds extend outward up to 10 miles and tropical storm force winds extend outward up to 60 miles.

Since learning of the presence of my name on the 2010 hurricane name list two years ago, I’ve been eagerly anticipating my storm. I was hoping for a destructive Category 5 that would come tearing up the coast leaving all kinds of floods and fallen trees in it’s path. It would take out anyone who’s ever wronged me and wipe out any trace of power for a few days, leaving me with a few days off of work (and no hope of being on the Internet, since I feel like the Internet is commandeering my life).

Lisa popped up as an organized system of thunderstorms on September 19 and formed into Tropical Storm Lisa the following day. We all got very interested in her, but she just kind of hung back and chilled out over the Cape Verde Islands, pondering her next move. Then she weakened into Tropical Depression Lisa, and we all thought she was done. But, she wasn’t because then she changed back into Tropical Storm Lisa and then into….Hurricane Lisa! Yay!

Turns out, my cyclone took after me more than I thought. She was kind of an enigma. She changed at least six times before deciding what she wanted to be, and then she got lost on the way to the party (no sense of direction whatsoever) and ventured north into cold water, which rapidly weakened her again to a tropical storm, tropical depression, and finally, my worst nightmare…Lisa became a remnant. Ugh. A remnant? Am I destined to become a remnant?

Nah, probably not. I’m sure my name will end up back on the list in a few years. In the meantime, I’ve been working on designing the new and improved Baby, You Can(‘t) Drive My Car over at WordPress. It’s coming along! I’m hoping to unveil it sometime between October and December, depending on how the layout comes along.

Anyone have any suggestions for the new blog? I’m pretty sure I’m going to stick with the road trip theme. Let me know what you think.

This crazy trip has got me feelin’:  windy
And I’m singin’ along to: Hurricane – Something Corporate

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