Dear Excited Readers,
I turned my LJ green! I also got it to do some cool stuff on the sidebars over there <<<<. I added some links, etc. Let me know if you want me to add a link to your LJ or website, and I would be happy to.
It's not perfect – it's one of the LJ S2 styles, but I managed to customize all the colors (the green and yellow reminds me of pineapples) and some of the titles and text. I especially like this set-up because when I'm signed in, I have a link to edit my entries right from my Recent page – which is good for my psycho-editing problem. I'm working on making it cooler though – I especially hate the new Archive page.
What do you think? I think I am well on my way to becoming a computer genius.
P.S. Anonymous comments welcome – you don’t have to be an LJ user to comment on the LJ. You can sign your name if you want to, but it’s up to you. I’d love to hear what you think. (FYI, I screen my anonymous comments, so you won’t be able to see it until I approve it, but don’t worry, it works!)
11 Responses
Dude this is seriously bad ass…btw whats the obsession with pineapples??
Really? You like it?
The pineapples…I just LOVE pineapples. I’m not even sure how it started. I think it began three summers ago when I had organic Hawaiian pineapple while working @ Chef Ed’s. Then one day, I got bored, so I tied a pineapple top to my head. I used to drink a lot of Malibu and pineapple juice. I was also obsessed with moving to Hawaii, so that was another reason. I minored in Hospitality & Tourism Management, and I wanted to work in a hotel or own a restaurant, and so pineapple was a cool symbol to me because it is the international sign of hospitality. When I started Weight Watchers, I used to eat a Dole fruitbowl of pineapples every day. I’d bring them to class or to work – @ work I’d take a pineapple break while everyone else took a cigarette break. I always wanted to get a tattoo of a pineapple, but I’m afraid of needles. Plus, when I told my friend Cameron that I wanted a tattoo of a pineapple on my hip, she said that since it is the international sign of hospitality it would be like saying “welcome to my pants” – I distinctly remember that conversation the morning before Ring Dance. I glued a paper pineapple along with some other things on top of my graduation cap, and I collect pineapple things now – I have a necklace, a stuffed pineapple, TWO stuffed pineapples actually, and some other things like a glass one, a paperweight, a little rhinestone one… I just LOVE them. That icon is the pineapple that I wanted as a tattoo, and it’s the one I glued onto my graduation cap. OH, and once I bought a pineapple plant at Target. I named it Penelope. There are so many stories. My sisters and I got drunk one night and made up a Secret Pineapple Handshake. One night, I remember talking to Andy Landers on IM until like 4 in the morning while searching the internet for a pineapple bikini – I didn’t find one – but I did find pineapple potholders and pineapple muffins and pineapple tea bag and all KINDS of crazy pineapple things. Also, two summers ago, I made this cool email address to keep in touch with my sisters…it was – that’s Hawaiian for Pineapple Princess – but I don’t have it anymore. This is the most ridiculous pineapply comment ever. BTW, there is a song on the Lilo & Stitch Island Favorites CD called “Pineapple Princess”. It’s awesome.
Yeah I think its sweet…But this obsession is even sweeter. It’s the best thing I’ve heard in a while. So many have addictions to stuff like ciggarettes, drugs, alcohol, chocalate, and stupid shit like that. But an obsession with pineapples is great. Oh and you should get a tat of it if you really want one. Believe me I’m a big pus when it comes to needles and shit going in me. I used to run away from doctors and hide in garbage cans and run to the parking lot. I even bit him once. I have a new doc now but anyway I got a tat and its a totally different situation. I didn’t look at the needle or whatever when I got it. Just look the other way the entire time. That’s what I did. It’s def. worth it. so DO IT!
-Peace out
most people just think i’m a little wacky for being obsessed with pineapples, so i appreciate your appreciating my pineapple obsession. perhaps when i return to jersey i will have to consider a pineapple tattoo… =)
yeah this is definitely a sicko layout. Especially the link thing on the left. Good work.
yeah, i am totally lovin’ the links. they make up for the ugliness that is my new archive page. =)
this is awesome! i need to learn how to do this! I’m computer illiterate
Back to VA!
Lisa! I am probably leaving this comment on the wrong entry, but having never ventured into the LJ world before today I am pretty much LJ retarded. Anyway– the word has finally crawled it’s way through the grapevine to me that you are entertaining the thought of trying the old hand at VA again, huh?? I am excited! And you know, that I will begin keeping my good ol’ Sunday Richmond Times Dispatch for your very purposes. Ha ha. Starting this weekend! =) Please call me if you need anything (your bedroom is still here and available!) and enjoy the rest of your time in sin city!
Re: Back to VA!
Muchas gracias! I can’t wait to get back east and I will definitely be in touch. So far things are definitely getting back to normal – I have already received three rejection emails from resumes I sent to Richmond… haha.
yeah, I do think your live journal is better. It’s all nice and green and stuff. Keep up the good work.
Welcome to my Pants
I’m telling you, Lis, put it somewhere else!
Speaking of… I saw a pineapple bikini somewhere and thought of you… let me think, maybe it was at Target? I’ll have to remember exactly where cuz I’m sure you’ll want to know. Glad you’ll be back in VA… I’m leaving sunny FL for DC this summer, so I’ll be close 🙂