10 Years, 10 Friends, 10 Days: The Boyfriend


J isn’t much of a blogger, but he was nice enough to contribute post #9. Maybe he had to because he’s my boyfriend? Nah, I think he wrote it because he likes me. Kind of like how when I went through a style blogging phase, he took most of my photos. And how when I went through an eBay selling phase, he shipped most of my packages. And how when I gave up gluten, he stopped inviting me over for dinner because he likes to eat pizza and tortellini. =) Nah, I’m just kidding. He takes me out for Thai and Mexican. All. The. Time. And I know you guys all want to know when we’re going to get married, but seriously? Mind your own business. All you need to know is that we share a Costco membership and a puggle right now. We’ll take care of the rest later. =)


Hi! My name’s John. I’ve never written a blog post before, so please excuse everything forthcoming in this post, as I don’t really know what I’m doing. The Coastal Chicster has asked me to write a guest post to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the best blog around. She’s amazing, so I told her I’d write something. I didn’t promise it would be good, but I committed to make an attempt. Here goes.


First off, I LOVE The Coastal Chicster.  I know her my as beautiful and brilliant girlfriend Lisa. I’ve been fortunate enough to know Lisa since 2008, and I’ve obviously followed (and been mentioned) in her writing over the years.


Lisa asked me to pick a favorite post. Wow, that’s hard. She and I have had a lot of great times / trips etc. that she has written about.  I am partial to this one.  That trip was a blast, and she got a ton of great photos that she posted.  I also really like this post. It chronicles our fantastic trip to Chicago to see her brother Stephen graduate Navy Boot Camp.


That being said, my favorite post on this blog hits closer to home.

Ok, so I’m a lucky guy. I’ve got a phenomenal girlfriend, great family, friends and career. Know what else? Lisa and I have a dog. He’s pretty cool. His name is Diesel and this is my favorite post (at the moment) that Lisa has written since I’ve known her. Lisa and I had a great time going to pick him out. We had to defeat smoke and bad directions. There seemed to be peril at every turn. Eventually we got to pick out the dog genius now known as Diesel. This post makes me smile whenever I read it. Lisa was very sweet, and sincere both in the writing of the post and in dealing with the puppy. She wasn’t really a dog person, but I believe she is now.


I’m not sure I’m as smart as Lisa or Diesel, but I’m lucky to have them both in my life. This post resonates with me, as it reflects a great experience that is still ongoing. I hope Lisa continues to write from the heart, as I will be reading.


Lisa DeNoia, author of Coastlined, blogging on and off since 2003. Jersey Girl in Virginia Beach. Entrepreneur, technology innovator, photographer, figure skater, traveler, sailor, avid lover of books. Guardian of Benny, also pictured above.

4 Responses

  1. awwwww, this is such a sweet and wonderfully written post!!!! And, excuse me, but Diesel is the CUTEST genius dog in the world. That face of his, oh my …. Diesel’s, not J’s. #sorrynotsorry I’m loving the tributes to you and 10 years of blogging. I hope I make it that long!!!! (P.S. I’m minding my own business, but Kamden has a onesie that looks like a tux. He’ll be ready when you two dog-owners change your minds. And have one name on the costco card!!!!!)

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