Twenty-one years ago, I found this questionnaire on the internet, and I’ve been filling it out every December since. Ten years ago, I decided I was going to add a few new questions every year from now on. The ones I added over the years are still marked with an *asterisk.
I kicked off 2024 with so much planning and hope for a successful year. My word of the year was “confidence”, which was quickly dissolved into almost nothing about three weeks in, when I found out I had to have surgery to remove a mole from my neck. In the end, it wasn’t malignant, but the melanoma anxiety is always waiting for the next opportunity to wreak havoc. I’ve had no biopsies since my melanoma surgery in 2019. This year, I had three! One in January, which resulted in surgery. One in April, which was nothing. And another in July, which was also nothing. Finally, in October, I was in the clear. To bad by then, I was in severe pain from a degenerating fibroid that started in September, and is gradually getting better. So, needless to say, this year, while overall great, had a theme of minor health issues underlying almost everything.
Silver linings: I started working out with a trainer in April, and I’ve gone to the gym at least twice a week for the last eight months, including today! I’ve lost 24 pounds–partly from working out, partly from not eating due to pain, and partly due to paying closer attention to my diet since September. (Although, most of that 24 pounds was redundant from the weight I lost in 2023 because I gained it all back freaking out over that mole in January.) ;P
Other highlights: I’ve recouped my savings after purchasing a house last year. I was able to find a fantastic pet resort locally who can handle Benny if I want to take some short trips. I was able to visit Palm Springs, Nantucket, NJ, NYC, and the Annapolis Sailboat Show this year, and I even made is home for Christmas for the first time since 2019! And I made some pretty major fall/winter wardrobe upgrades over the past few months, after really focusing on not shopping for the last several years.
Anyway, here’s my year in review.
What did you do in 2024 that you’d never done before? I had surgery while awake. I also joined an online astrology club. And I created three paintings for an art show!
Did you keep your new years’ resolutions, and will you make more for next year? I did make a few, which I wrote down in my planner. I kept some of them. Some were more stretch goals. One of my biggest goals was to find a good place for Benny to stay when I travel, which I did accomplish! I will make more next year, but my biggest one will be to take at least one short 2- or 3-night trip each month.
Did anyone close to you give birth? Yes, there were two new babies on the Bassani side of the family this year — Maya & Sophia. And Regina had baby Catherine.
Did anyone close to you die? No.
What countries did you visit? Just a bit of this one — Palm Springs, CA; Annapolis, MD, NYC, and NJ.
What would you like to have in 2025 that you lacked in 2024? Last year, my answer was a reliable dog sitter, and I found that! 🙂 I would like 2025 to feel extremely healthy! No ER visits, no pain, no surgeries!
What date from 2024 will remain etched upon your memory? December 5. After a few very rough months, I treated myself to a beautiful gift that makes me very happy.
What was your biggest achievement of the year? Consistently going to the gym no matter what — busy days, depressed days, good days, great days, painful days. All the days I was supposed to go, I either went or I rescheduled. I didn’t miss any sessions for any reason, and I even started going some extra days by myself about 6 months in. I also earned my U.S. Sailing Basic Keelboat Certification in June.
What was your biggest failure? I can’t think of anything I would consider a failure off the top of my head. There was a contract that wasn’t tight enough. There was time spent on things that could have been better spent elsewhere. I could have made a better list of 2024 goals and referred back to it more frequently. But even with those mistakes, 2024 was overall a good year.
Did you suffer illness or injury? I had a severely dysplastic mole that had to come off in January. But the worst thing that happened was a degenerating fibroid that started causing me pain in September that lasted for weeks. Then it started up again in mid-October and late November. We’ll see if it keeps tapering off. It landed me in the ER one night, and I’d like to avoid that happening again. My hot tub has been a lifesaver, though.
What was the best thing you bought? Hmm…Wool sweaters from Scotland? Goodyear welt leather boots from Spain? A few different pieces of art? A new camera? Remote-control shades in my downstairs? Nope, I’ve got it — my Barbour waxed cotton jacket! It’s amazing. I love it. 🙂
Whose behavior merited celebration? My trainer’s for adapting my workouts to accommodate whatever wonky things were going on with me all year. My Port & Starboard team’s for pivoting in late September and ending the year in a much better place than the last few years! 🙂
Where did most of your money go? Payroll, coffee beans, mortgage payments, medical bills, vet bills, buying sweaters and shoes from European countries.
What did you get really, really, really excited about? My trips and some concerts. Palm Springs with my mom, Courtney & Kelsey in February. Nantucket with my mom in August. Sailing class with my dad in June. The Annapolis Sailboat Show with my dad in October. A trip to NJ to see Kenny Chesney & Zac Brown Band at Giants Stadium with my mom and her friends in August. NYC with my team in October. NY again for the holidays. The Hip Abduction at Elevation27 in April. The Elovaters at the Chicken Box in Nantucket in August.
What song will always remind you of 2024? “Light It Up” by The Hip Abduction
Compared to this time last year, are you:
Happier or sadder? Happier
Thinner or fatter? Thinner
Richer or poorer? Richer
What do you wish you’d done more of? Traveling.
What do you wish you’d done less of? Being in pain.
How will you be spending Christmas? I took a quick trip to NJ for Christmas this year. I flew up in the afternoon on Christmas Eve, and we had dinner (feast of the seven fishes!) at my Aunt Gail & Uncle Bobby’s house. On Christmas Day, my parents and I had breakfast, opened presents, and went up to my Aunt Angel & Uncle Cricket’s house for dinner (filet mignon!). They had snow! It was so pretty. As far as gifts, I gave a few people my favorite Amundsen socks, including my parents. But their big gifts were matching Barbour jackets! 🙂 I flew back early on the 26th, and since then I’ve just been hanging out with Benny, reading, organizing, being off work, and that’s about it.
Did you fall in love in 2024? No.
Who were your best friends? Benny. If we’re talking people, then mostly Jeff, plus my team–especially Alexandra & Brittany, who I spent lots of time brainstorming, strategizing and solving problems with.
What thing did you do that was meaningful to others? I was appointed to the Virginia Beach Resort Advisory Commission this year, and I’d like to think my participation in that is meaningful to others. I also volunteered at the Young Collectors tent at the Neptune Festival. I moderated an author talk for my friend Sheena at the end of the summer. I brought lots of guests sailing for the first time! I gave a few team members promotions this year. And lately, I’ve been trying to do a better job connecting with friends in person, rather than mostly via text and Zoom, and I hope to continue doing that in the new year.
What was your favorite TV program? Big Brother
Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year? Yes.
What was the best book you read? North Woods by Daniel Mason, Living Tidal by Sheena Jeffers.
What was your greatest musical discovery? (I’m changing this question to “What was your favorite playlist you made this year?” because I make many playlists each year, but I always have a favorite.) This year, it is the one called, “Been A Minute ⏲️ Summer 2024”.
*What was your favorite meal? My mom and I had pizza at this cozy little restaurant in Nantucket before we went to see The Elovaters at The Chicken Box. That was a good one.
What did you want and get? A mid-century modern vintage Jules Heumann leather sling sofa.
What did you want and not get? My Eames chair. It is still broken, I’m assuming.
*What did you not even realize you would ever want, but then decided you wanted and get? A fancy watch.
*What did you not want, but got anyway? An MRI.
What was your favorite film of this year? Wicked.
What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? I was 43. I had dinner with friends at Il Giardino.
What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? Being more strategic in my businesses, rather than in the weeds. You know that old saying about working in the business instead of on the business? I’d really have loved more time working on the business. (I said this for the last TWO years. Why can’t I get this straight?)
What kept you sane? My hot tub, working out, walks, music, Benny, podcasts, reading books, traveling.
Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? Jordan B. Amber Frankhuizen.
What political issue stirred you the most? 🤷🏼♀️
*What mystery from 2024 was never solved? Who is flying those drones?
Who did you miss? My grandparents and all my cousins. Vince a little bit in the middle of the year–distance between good friends is to be expected when one gets into a serious relationship, but things are shifting again, and it’s been really nice to spend time with both of them now. 🙂
Who was the best new person you met this year? Katie (my trainer), Maddy (Vince’s girlfriend), Ron & Lauren (founders of Montauk Tackle–we met at the sailboat show).
*Did you start any new traditions this year? No, I don’t think so.
Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2024: It’s important to stay flexible, even when you have a plan. Last year, my plan set me up for success. This year, I had to pivot because my health took precedence over my other plans. So when I look back at the goals I set for 2024, I didn’t achieve many of them. But when I look back at the goal I set in October…I achieved that, and then some. So overall, successful year, even though I diverted from the plan. 🙂
Quote that sums up your year: “How are you feeling today?” ~Katie