March 24, 1996 (Sunday)
8:57 pm – Last night I babysat for the Allisons from 7:00 pm – 2:00 am and only made $25. It sucked. Today I went to Kristy’s where Brian was. He threw dirt at her for awhile, but never at me. How come? He told me to move if I didn’t want to get hit, but I didn’t move, so he stopped throwing dirt until Kristy was far away from me. Then he got Kristy’s ball stuck in a tree. He tried to climb up and get it, but he couldn’t, so he dragged this long pole across the street and pushed it out. Then, he kicked the ball again and it landed in Elsa’s pool. He got it out, but then he kicked it in the pool again and left, leaving it in the pool where it is now. – Lisa Anne – – 9:04 pm
Dude, was there a point to that?