Goal: Blog more.
Strategy: Daily survey.
Coffees consumed: 2
Gluten-filled items consumed: 0
Dumbest thing I did today: Got in the shower with my glasses on.
Interesting thing I found on the internet (via recommendation from a reliable source): Managing Nerds.
Interesting thing I found not on the internet (via September 7, 2015 issue of The New Yorker in doctor’s waiting room):
Scariest thing I did today: Flu shot (I hate needles).
Something I learned today: Apparently, you can not add Salesforce business processes to change sets via the normal “Add” button. You have to click “View/Add Dependencies” and find/add them from that page.
Did anyone ask when I was going to have kids, get married or move in w/boyfriend today? Yes.
Assembly of the day:
Something I accomplished: Read almost an entire book when I got home from work.
Song of the day: I Thought The Future Would Be Cooler, YACHT
That is all.