…and I ain’t got nobody.
I got some money ’cause I just got paid.
Now how I wish I had someone to talk to…”
Despite my lack of exciting friends, I really wanted to hit up Bar A last night. So, I did. I went by myself and I talked to all kinds of people. It was so funny — I think for the first time in my life, I actually noticed decent-looking boys checking me out.
Anyway, it was a fairly successful evening. The only person I gave my number to was a girl I hardly knew in high school — it turns out we’re both Chi Omegas — and the only beverage I consumed was a 9 oz. cup of pineapple juice — I figured that was the best way to fake a real drink, and plus, it only cost me a dollar.
On the way home, I got to chat with a friend from last summer on the phone. I was in bed by 1:30, and up by 8:00 this morning — no hangover — and down a mere $9 (cover charge and pineapple juice) for the night. Score.
I’m totally impressed with my awesomeness at the moment.