I filled this questionnaire out in 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004 and 2003, too!
What did you do in 2008 that you’d never done before? Cut people off immediately and indefinitely when they "broke up" with me – boyfriends and best friends!
Did you keep your new years’ resolutions, and will you make more for next year? I didn’t keep as many as I would have liked, but yes, I’ll make more. What would my LJ be without them?
Did anyone close to you give birth? Candice Hayden gave birth to Alyssa on September 22.
Did anyone close to you die? Yes. Kevin Younkins passed away at the age of (almost) one year on February 18. Grandma Tillie passed away at the age of 91 on December 3.
What countries did you visit? I visited a little bit of this one – Minneapolis, Outer Banks, Snowshoe, NJ. I also went to the Strait of Canso in Nova Scotia, Canada a few times for work.
What would you like to have in 2009 that you lacked in 2008? A vacation!
What date from 2008 will remain etched upon your memory? April 12
What was your biggest achievement of the year? Finding the coolest boyfriend ever, finally starting my book (the jellyfish chapter is almost done)
What was your biggest failure? Gaining 15 pounds
Did you suffer illness or injury? Surprisingly, hardly at all!
What was the best thing you bought? A beach cruiser and a new laptop
Whose behavior merited celebration? John’s – he put up with all my confusion over the summer, and he’s done countless things that merit celebration (i.e., helping me paint, fixing my bike, setting up my computer, cooking me countless dinners, and cheering me up when I’m stressed out or sad).
Where did most of your money go? Mortgage payments, lingerie, drinking
What did you get really, really, really excited about? Riding my new beach cruiser!
What song will always remind you of 2008? That Green Gentleman – Panic at the Disco
Compared to this time last year, are you:
Happier or sadder? Happier
Thinner or fatter? Fatter
Richer or poorer? Richer
What do you wish you’d done more of? Working out
What do you wish you’d done less of? Stressing out
How will you be spending Christmas? I spent Christmas Eve at Grandma and Grandpa Bassani’s house with my parents, my brother, Joelle, Cricky, Aunt Angel, Uncle Cricket and Uncle Johnny. On Christmas morning, Stephen and I opened presents under the tree. I got new sheets, an Entertainment Book, a BaByliss straightening iron, luggage and an outfit from Banana Republic. We drove up to Uncle Vinnie’s and Aunt Debbie’s for appetizers, and then went to Aunt Debbie’s and Uncle Sal’s to hang out with Christina and Rosie and have dinner. On the 26th, I spent the afternoon catching up and shopping with Kerri, and then I went out to dinner with Kristy and Frank, and we went outlet shopping. I flew back to VB on the 27th to have Christmas with John, and he gave me All-Star Cheer Squad for the Wii, perfume, a jacket, tickets to the Reel Big Fish concert, and the Betsey Johnson lingerie I’ve been wanting since September. I gave him a magnetic bulletin board, cologne, pajama pants, a 16GB USB and tickets to Avenue Q.
Did you fall in love in 2008? Yes!
How many one-night stands? 0
Who were your best friends? Kristy, Amy, John
What thing did you do that was meaningful to others? I tried harder to pay attention to other people’s problems and thoughts this year instead of just monopolizing conversations all the time. Oh, and I bought Amy a bike for her birthday. And I helped John Williams pick out a bike for Heather for her birthday. And I helped Kristy pick out bikes for her and Frank!
What was your favorite TV program? Heroes, Chuck, Desperate Housewives, SNL
Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year? Hate’s a strong word, but I’m getting there.
What was the best book you read? A Man Without a Country by Kurt Vonnegut, Tell No One by Harlan Coben
What was your greatest musical discovery? Vampire Weekend
What did you want and get? A beach cruiser, a new laptop, Adobe Creative Suite 3, the rest of my condo painted, a tan
What did you want and not get? An SLR camera, a vacation
What was your favorite film of this year? Forgetting Sarah Marshall
What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? 27, My co-workers decorated by cubicle at work with streamers and Hawaiian leis. Amy, Corinne, Allison and Tammy all took me out for dinner and drinks at Cheeseburger in Paradise. It was also my one-year anniversary with my fish, Captain Sea Jay Lewis.
What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? Not gaining 15 pounds on Paxil
What kept you sane? Paxil, Amy, John, Bud Light
Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? Tina Fey
What political issue stirred you the most? The economy, health insurance.
Who did you miss? Kristy, CJ (for a little while), Kerri, Andrea, Grandma Tillie
Who was the best new person you met this year? John Dunzweiler
Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2008: I’d rather be around people who want to be around me.
Quote that sums up your year:
"You can never escape, you can only move south down the coast." – The Counting Crows