With only one week of 2004 remaining, it’s time to reflect on the year and start planning for 2005. Remember those New Year’s resolutions? Let’s see how we did.
1. Put my feet in the Pacific Ocean – ACCOMPLISHED – January 10
2. Work in a Las Vegas hotel – ACCOMPLISHED – February 23 (House of Blues Las Vegas in the Mandalay Bay Hotel & Casino)
3. Visit Hawaii – FAILED
4. Run 5 miles without stopping – ALMOST – September 24 (finished the Neptune Festival 8K in 49:31.85 — but I walked some of it)
5. Join the Navy – FAILED – Got my rejection letter in March. However, I did find a real job instead and I work for an engineering firm that does a lot of work with the government and the military, especially the Navy.
6. Go surfing – FAILED
7. See Reel Big Fish in concert – ACCOMPLISHED (Twice!) – I saw them March 27 at eXtremething at Desert Breeze Skate Park in Las Vegas with Kristin. I also went with Stephen and Shaine to see them play this summer at Ramapo College with Streetlight Manifesto.
8. Make all my payments on time – ACCOMPLISHED – For the most part.
9. Do 25 push-ups in two minutes – ALMOST – I think the most I did was 21 in two minutes, but that’s pretty damn close!
10. Make at least 10 new friends – ACCOMPLISHED – Allison, Robbie, Jenny, Sharon K., Megan M., Kristi, Rich (from Woody’s), Rich H., Chris G., Chris S., Corinne, Jennifer Y., and Jacky. (I don’t necessarily still keep in touch with all of them, but they were definitely “new friends” at the time that I met them – meaning that I hung out with each of them more than three times.)
11. Get a new digital camera – ACCOMPLISHED – April 10
12. Write a book – ALMOST – I wrote in this LJ and perhaps someday it will be a book!
13. Save up some money – ALMOST – I saved some up over the summer, but most of it is gone now because of my move to Virginia Beach.
14. Get a new computer – ACCOMPLISHED – January 13
15. Do better at keeping in touch with old friends – ACCOMPLISHED – I definitely did better at keeping in touch with Andrea this year, and Mike and I even salvaged a little bit of a friendship for a little while. Kristy and I try to talk on the phone a few times a week, I talk to Jamie once or twice a week, Rich calls me from Japan and we write long e-mails, and I also use IM a lot more than I used to to have meaningful conversations with people.
16. Find a productive hobby that I enjoy – ACCOMPLISHED – Writing!
17. Be more organized – ACCOMPLISHED – My apartment is immaculate, and so is my desk at work.
18. Continue losing weight – ACCOMPLISHED – I have probably lost about eight pounds since this time last year.
FINAL COUNT: 3 FAILED, 4 ALMOST, and 11 ACCOMPLISHED. That’s not too shabby if you ask me.