December 31, 2024

Twenty-one years ago, I found this questionnaire on the internet, and I’ve been filling it out every December since. Ten years ago, I decided I was going to add a few new questions every year from now on. The ones I added over the years are still marked with an *asterisk. 

I kicked off 2024 with so much planning and hope for a successful year. My word of the year was “confidence”, which was quickly dissolved into almost nothing about three weeks in, when I found out I had to have surgery to remove a mole from my neck. In the end, it wasn’t malignant, but the melanoma anxiety is always waiting for the next opportunity to wreak havoc. I’ve had no biopsies since my melanoma surgery in 2019. This year, I had three! One in January, which resulted in surgery. One in April, which was nothing. And another in July, which was also nothing. Finally, in October, I was in the clear. To bad by then, I was in severe pain from a degenerating fibroid that started in September, and is gradually getting better. So, needless to say, this year, while overall great, had a theme of minor health issues underlying almost everything.

Silver linings: I started working out with a trainer in April, and I’ve gone to the gym at least twice a week for the last eight months, including today! I’ve lost 24 pounds–partly from working out, partly from not eating due to pain, and partly due to paying closer attention to my diet since September. (Although, most of that 24 pounds was redundant from the weight I lost in 2023 because I gained it all back freaking out over that mole in January.) ;P

Other highlights: I’ve recouped my savings after purchasing a house last year. I was able to find a fantastic pet resort locally who can handle Benny if I want to take some short trips. I was able to visit Palm Springs, Nantucket, NJ, NYC, and the Annapolis Sailboat Show this year, and I even made is home for Christmas for the first time since 2019! And I made some pretty major fall/winter wardrobe upgrades over the past few months, after really focusing on not shopping for the last several years.

Anyway, here’s my year in review.

Lisa DeNoia, author of Coastlined, blogging on and off since 2003. Jersey Girl in Virginia Beach. Entrepreneur, technology innovator, photographer, figure skater, traveler, sailor, avid lover of books. Guardian of Benny, also pictured above.