March 18, 2025

Instead of creating a lengthy list of resolutions this year, I’ve been focused on one big goal: At least one weekend trip per month, whether anyone else wants to go or not. “Weekend” is loose–I’ll settle for a 2-3 night getaway once per month (because sometimes the places I want to go are a little more reasonable on a Tuesday night).  Up first was a winter weekend spent at The Greenbrier–a destination that’s been on my bucket list for more than 20 years. Back when I was at Virginia Tech, a friend of mine. who was in the a capella group Juxtaposition, used to sing at The Greenbrier every New Year’s Eve. Ever since first hearing about America’s Resort in the Allegheny Mountains, I’ve always wanted to visit.

December 31, 2024

Twenty-one years ago, I found this questionnaire on the internet, and I’ve been filling it out every December since. Ten years ago, I decided I was going to add a few new questions every year from now on. The ones I added over the years are still marked with an *asterisk. 

I kicked off 2024 with so much planning and hope for a successful year. My word of the year was “confidence”, which was quickly dissolved into almost nothing about three weeks in, when I found out I had to have surgery to remove a mole from my neck. In the end, it wasn’t malignant, but the melanoma anxiety is always waiting for the next opportunity to wreak havoc. I’ve had no biopsies since my melanoma surgery in 2019. This year, I had three! One in January, which resulted in surgery. One in April, which was nothing. And another in July, which was also nothing. Finally, in October, I was in the clear. To bad by then, I was in severe pain from a degenerating fibroid that started in September, and is gradually getting better. So, needless to say, this year, while overall great, had a theme of minor health issues underlying almost everything.

Silver linings: I started working out with a trainer in April, and I’ve gone to the gym at least twice a week for the last eight months, including today! I’ve lost 24 pounds–partly from working out, partly from not eating due to pain, and partly due to paying closer attention to my diet since September. (Although, most of that 24 pounds was redundant from the weight I lost in 2023 because I gained it all back freaking out over that mole in January.) ;P

Other highlights: I’ve recouped my savings after purchasing a house last year. I was able to find a fantastic pet resort locally who can handle Benny if I want to take some short trips. I was able to visit Palm Springs, Nantucket, NJ, NYC, and the Annapolis Sailboat Show this year, and I even made is home for Christmas for the first time since 2019! And I made some pretty major fall/winter wardrobe upgrades over the past few months, after really focusing on not shopping for the last several years.

Anyway, here’s my year in review.

November 25, 2024

As December approaches and the last of the autumn leaves flutter to the ground, I’m grateful that this is the second fall in a row a nor’easter or hurricane hasn’t robbed us of the season’s colors. Our late-turning trees often lose their leaves in late September or early October before they’ve had a chance to impress us at their brilliant peak with stunning shades of yellow, orange, and red. Here are just a few glimpses of the fall foliage through the lens of my many, many dog walks around the VB Oceanfront.

September 2, 2024

Cecelia & Lisa aboard Endeavor
Late summer in picturesque Nantucket with my mom. Hydrangeas a week or two past their prime. Rain, fog, and a crisp breeze. Walks in town and along the ‘Sconset Bluff Walk. Lighthouses and an evening sail. Cozy restaurants and an upbeat night with The Elovaters at The Chicken Box. Packed three rain jackets; bought two sweatshirts. Spent many hours navigating cobblestones in my rubber mocs. Learned about history and whaling and lightship baskets. Been wanting to come here for more than 15 years, and I’m so glad I finally did!

December 31, 2023

a sail boat at sunset with a red, white, and black sail.
Twenty years ago, I found this questionnaire on the internet, and I’ve been filling it out every December since. 

I spent the beginning of 2023 coaxing myself out a massive rut I found myself in at the end of 2022. It started when I got covid. It took me months to feel better again, but by then everything was out of sorts. I used a planner and a vision board to keep myself motivated and on track. During the first half of 2022, I chose a different word for each month of the year to focus on getting myself back on track. During that time, I lost almost 20 pounds! I traveled a bit for work and pleasure — I spent a total of about 10 days in New England this summer, which means I’m 1/3 of the way to my goal of spending a whole month there some summer soon. :) Later in the year, I started investing in some companies other than my own, and I bought a house. Benny and I are fully settled in now, and we’re feeling pretty at home here. 

Anyway, here’s my year in review.

December 18, 2023

As the year draws to a close, I’ve been settling into my new house and hanging up all of my art. My 2023 vision board is sitting on my downstairs desk — I’ve yet to determine whether to hang it upstairs or down — and it occurred to me that I’m going to miss looking at this thing. It’s the first vision board I’ve ever created, and while I was a bit skeptical, I love how it turned out. I’ve enjoyed having it near my desk over the last 12 months. I’ve been thinking about what I’ll create for next year. Is it cheating to swap out some images, but keep some of them the same? I’ll definitely be re-using this template!

Here are some notes about the images on my board and how the year turned out.

December 31, 2022

If this questionnaire were a person, it would be a legal adult now. Eighteen years ago, I found this questionnaire, and I’ve been filling it out every December since. 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004 and 2003. Eight years ago, I decided I was going to add a few new questions every year from now on. The ones I added over the years are still marked with an *asterisk. I added one this year, and that one is marked with two **asterisks.

At some point in 2022, things started to feel a lot more “normal” again. Although post-pandemic normal turns out to be a lot less social and a lot more repetitious and consistent, I suppose. The silly thing is that as soon as things started feeling normal again, I caught covid at a super-spreader wedding and had a ridiculous cough for the next 12 weeks. I started traveling again this year — I took more flights than I have in a single year in a long time. Most of them were to NJ for weddings and funerals, but whatever. I took two vacations, plus a few weekend trips, so that was nice to start working travel back into my life this year. According to my Apple Watch, I only walked 1,314 miles this year, which is significantly less than last year. I blame dog training, covid, my Apple Watch dying at one point…but also just the fact that I got very busy at work and didn’t prioritize getting outside and exercising as much as I have the last few years. Work was busy, as usual, and all three companies are still on track, growing, and doing well.

Anyway, here’s my year in review.

December 30, 2022

According to GoodReads, I made it through 36 books in 2022. Those ranged from historical fiction to business books to a few personal finance books towards the end of the year (to help me overcome my latest desire to start rampantly spending money on things I don’t need). I got most of my books from the used bookstore at the VB Public Library. I donated most of them back or gave them to friends when I was done. The few I couldn’t find there or check out, I bought on my Kindle. I only paid retail price for one hard-copy book this year, and that’s because I was getting on a plane, and I hadn’t brought my Kindle on that trip. I also finally upgraded my 10-year-old Kindle Touch to a Kindle Paperwhite this year! No more pop-out booklight! ;)

Here are the best six books I read in 2022.

January 18, 2022

Last weekend, Benny and I took a little road trip to Basye, VA for a wintery weekend getaway in the mountains. I rented a fantastic AirBnB as a belated Christmas gift for my family, so we could all get together and celebrate before my brother and his new fiancé move to Colorado this month. It was a perfect and relaxing weekend, and a nice change of pace. It was my first little trip away from VB since the pandemic started, and a really nice way to kick off the new year. Thanks to the snow and icy temperatures, we barely left the house (except for lots of mini dog walks) and didn’t feel bad about it one bit. We ate delicious food, drank lots of hot beverages and a few glasses of wine, exchanged a few Christmas gifts, put together a ridiculously difficult puzzle, played a little pool, wore lots of flannel shirts, and celebrated Stephen and Emily with a champagne toast by the fire. Benny did pretty well for his first trip away from home! I’m so glad we had the opportunity to do this, and wish Stephen and Emily the best in Colorado!

December 31, 2021

If this questionnaire were a person, it would be a licensed driver by now. Seventeen years ago, I found this questionnaire, and I’ve been filling it out every December since. 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004 and 2003. Seven years ago, I decided I was going to add a few new questions every year from now on. The ones I added over the years are still marked with an *asterisk

2021 felt a lot like 2020, but a lot less scary, and a bit more monotonous. One thing I think I mastered this year was cooking eggs absolutely perfectly. I walked a little over 1,971 miles this year, all the while training my dog not to be so reactive on a leash. Work was very busy. I single-handedly loaded over three million rows of data into Salesforce (at least). Between my three companies, we’re now a team of almost 20 people.

Anyway, here’s my year in review.

Lisa DeNoia, author of Coastlined, blogging on and off since 2003. Jersey Girl in Virginia Beach. Entrepreneur, technology innovator, photographer, figure skater, traveler, sailor, avid lover of books. Guardian of Benny, also pictured above.